PRACAL carefully evaluates the environmental impact of its products.
PRACAL's "green" vision drives us to design and produce with the utmost attention to the environmental impact of processes and sustainability.
The company's ethics also include a constant effort to create a safe working environment and a willingness to comply carefully with regulations.
In this sense, a material such as aluminum, which is 100 percent recyclable, fits perfectly with the Company's "green" philosophy, as does the recycling of almost all production waste.
The entire production cycle is highly automated and is carried out with energy conservation in mind.
Project on worker safety funded by INAIL
The company has implemented a project directed at protecting and safeguarding its workers through the reduction of risks to which they are subjected during routine work activities.
For this project, the company made an investment of € 198,000.00 and obtained on 18.01.2017 a Contribution of € 128,700.00 from the INAIL Territorial Directorate.
The details of the referenced Public Notice are as follows:
Public Notice 2015, Incentives to enterprises for the implementation of occupational health and safety interventions, in implementation of Article 11, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 81/2008, as amended and supplemented, "Consolidated Occupational Health and Safety Act"
Granting authority: INAIL Territorial Directorate
ISI application code: no. I3315-001303
Cup: E46G17000070003
Project description: asbestos removal from shed roof.
Date of grant: 18/01/2017
Public Grant/Contribution OBTAINED: € 128,700.00 of which € 64,350.00 was disbursed during fiscal year 2018. This is Aid in DE MINIMIS.
This Public Aid/Contribution is among the aid subject to mandatory publication in the National State Aid Register.